Real Wealth Society

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I Have Been Thinking About "Holidays" By Fred Cederholm

Column for on/after May 21st

I’ve been thinking about holidays. Actually I’ve been thinking about Memorial Day, Woodlawn Cemetery, preparations, plantings, flags, prayers, and observances. The word “holiday” has its origins in the words holy and day. Holidays are more than a day off from work or our normal routines. They are a time for reflection, a time for gatherings, a time for fellowship, and a time for observances

You see Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. It is observed on the last Monday in May. It began to honor the soldiers who died in the American Civil War, and after World War I - “the war to end all wars,” it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. Now it is a time to honor all the veteran service men and women – the living and the dead - and reflect on their sacrifices in the preservation of the freedoms enjoyed by US/us all.

Creston’s Woodlawn Cemetery is about a mile-and-a-half North of town. The setting is truly bucolic, beautiful, and peaceful. It is surrounded by fields and pastures. Nearby is a little stream and Brody’s Grove, the site of the original settlement before the town was relocated south when the first railroad line came through. There are veterans from the War of 1812, the American Civil War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam buried there.

While there are many visitors at Woodlawn every day, this will be a busy week of preparations out there anticipating the Memorial Day “holy day” next Monday. The graves will be trimmed, weeded, planted, and mulched. The flags at the main pole will be replaced. Over the weekend, small individual flags will appear near the grave headstones of every veteran. And, the “Avenue of the Flags” at the entrance will materialize.

Virtually every community across this land will be holding their special ceremonies on May 29th. The main flags will be flow at half-staff from dawn until noon. At 3:00 PM there is National Moment of Remembrance. No two observances are alike. I am particularly proud of the efforts made by the locals of my little community of 500-plus residents. Because this is Creston’s sesquicentennial year, Memorial Day 2006 will be celebrated at several locations.

The Sesquicentennial Committee will dedicate the “Citizenship Square” green space between the Village Hall and the Fire Department at 10:00 AM. An unveiling of a Lincoln Highway mural on the Fogleman Building across Main Street will follow. The Memorial Day service, dedicated this year to US Air Force Lt. Col. Alan Erickson (Vietnam – deceased Jan. 13, 1999), begins at the fire station at 10:30. The ceremony will move to Woodlawn for the roll call of the deceased veterans, taps, and a bagpipe salute. There will be a brief walk-about the cemetery before the crowd returns to the fire station for a pot luck dinner. There will be a lot of food, wonderful fellowship, heartfelt hugs, and tears - of loss, love, and remembrance. After all of this, there will be the traditional caravan of vehicles making pilgrimages to several of the other cemeteries in the area. Little Creston’s Memorial Day is truly a DAY of observances.

Reflecting on our service men and women should be a perpetual/ongoing ritual. Every Sunday my congregation at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Creston ends our prayer petitions with the following words: “Today and this week we remember: (names of certain locals with special needs), our congregation, our community, for those serving our country and their families, our President and other world leaders, for world and personal peace.”

If you can’t join us in Creston, please make the effort to find out the times/ locations of the Memorial Day observances in your area and participate in them. TH*NK about the young men and women who have served (and are serving) this nation. Remember them and their families. We enjoy our freedoms because of their cumulative and ongoing sacrifices. Seriously reflect on the “2300-plus casualties” since the declaration of “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq. I’m Fred Cederholm and I’ve been thinking. You should be thinking, too.
Copyright 2006 Questions, Inc. All rights reserved.

To “audit” this column and to learn more about the subjects discussed, please check out:

Memorial Day

Origins of Memorial Day

The History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day – Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

THINK PROGRESS “Mission Accomplished” – by the Numbers (A cumulative recap of the costs of the Bush Iraqi action in terms of casualties, injuries, and dollars)

The Harring Report- a weekly update of the casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Warning: this presentation and commentary is graphically honest

Hoping for a better world By Joost van Steenis

Hoping for a better world, the 72nd Letter of an Autonomous Thinker.

Hope becomes utopian when it is not supported by activities that bring a different future nearer.

The integration of past, present and future makes humans unique. Without hope on a better future world human life becomes meaningless.

One of my readers disagreed with my thesis that once masspeople will become active on a creative and autonomous way to destroy the reason of existence of the elite . He wrote that we can forget this will ever happen and he gave the argument that "during the German occupation only 0,6 % of all Dutch 'masspeople' committed active Resistance".

I do not agree because the 0.6% was the number of people that was registered to have taken part in the Resistance. This part was controlled by the Dutch government in asylum in England (on a safe and prosperous world far from the world of masspeople that was occupied by the Germans). Many more masspeople were individually active against the Occupation.

Members of the Resistance acting under the control of the elitist England-based government were often deceived. The government sent people to Holland to support the Resistance. Some of these people were arrested and gave information about the Dutch Resistance to the Germans (the so-called Englandspiel). As a result many masspeople were executed. An indication that masspeople should never be involved in struggles between different parts of the elite.

The elite was not interested in deaths of masspeople because it was working on its future after the Occupation. The old elite indeed succeeded to be on top after the Occupation because no direct actions against foreign elites were allowed. All elites (even the ugly ones) must be protected against attacks from masspeople. The elite knows there is a future after the present and it has integrated the future of the eliteworld in present-day activities.

Masspeople hardly use the future in their present-day activities. They concentrate on short-term goals. That must change and that can change.
I propose methods by which masspeople can become autonomous active on the time, the place and the creative way they choose. These activities must as well improve the present life in the massworld as promote the possibility for a New World without any elite (by invading the eliteworld).

This idea differs from utopian pacifistic ideas that wars will end when masspeople do not become soldier. On this way only masspeople are restricted and the eliteworld is not touched. It does not attack the power structure, the basic reason why humanity lives on two separated worlds, an eliteworld and a massworld.

Activities of masspeople should contain two elements, the improvement of the own position and the undermining of the eliteworld . Most political groups are only reacting on what the elite is doing. For example they never will ask for a same rise in income for workers and CEO'S. Actions that do not undermine the power of elitepeople to have it always better than masspeople are more or less tolerated in our countries. .
A New World in which all people have equal status can only be reached when activities of masspeople contribute at the same time to the improvement of the present life as to the building of a future world.

When I was writing this article, I got an e-mail titled "Reflections on the Uprising in France" ( Interesting is the part that starts with "Some radicals……" in which the goals of active masspeople are questioned.
I do agree that many masspeople are fed up with our kind of society (one of my pre-conditions for a fundamental change) but the methods they are using are inadequate. They try to triumph in the streets but they do not attack the power structure that gives the elite its advantages.

I agree that many actions were creative and autonomous (not top-down organised) but I miss any idea about a future society . I miss actions that belong to a society in which all people have equal status.
The short list of actions does not contain any action against powerful elitepeople. Living on the eliteworld elitepeople are hardly bothered with what happens on the massworld.

I am not that positive about this Uprising. It repeats what happened during uprisings in the past when the power of the elite was never challenged. Before and after the action period the same leaders dominated society (in the first place for their own benefit). That will also happen in France and therefore something fundamental was missing in the Uprising.

Yours truly, Joost van Steenis
Ways to increase masspeople

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Debt-Based Hedonism By SB Kayser

From the rant and observation series or summary of what truly happens in the global economy.

As Fannie May recently discovered new accounting errors, its CEO frets about adjustable mortgages, he said the following: underwriting standards still vary widely among lenders, with some maintaining their share of a shrinking mortgage market as they tighten standards while others are still applying "exuberance" to credit risk. Products such as interest-only adjustable rate mortgages, payment-option mortgages and loans that require no property appraisals create multiple layers of risk that are difficult to model and predict... Meanwhile some in the mainstream media notice the harsh reality: Bubble's bursting on all fronts (see: 05/08)

From bad to worst: the internet famous economist - friendly named - Mish resembles much of a prophet these days: according to him, rats are abandoning the ship. Charles Hugh is definitely gloomier when saying that the housing bubble bust will take down the Global Economy . So what is the conclusion would you ask? The strict bottom is cristal clear, by now the new road to Serfdom is the mortgage industry in the so-called rich nations. Just imagine, in slow motion, a freight train that cannot be stopped. The situation is beyond dramatic. Call me senstive but at the end of Mr Dow 1000's audio, I had tears in my eyes: my American dream as a (legal) immigrant turned into a nightmare, completely shattered.

Yet the drama contains some comical elements, listen to this: Bank of Japan Keeps 0 Percent Rate Policy, a bloomberg headline said April 28. Now the "pundits of the rising sun" fear an inflation pick up. Of course they have sustained the zero interest rate policiy for more than 10 years, thinking they would beat the boom-bust cycle. All the liquidity they have flushed the system with is coming back home to roost... with a vengeance. Outsmarting Mother Nature will never work out, when wealth is "manufactured" with debts there is no other way out than (massive) liquidation. The severity of the bust will forever equal the size of the boom. So guess what now?

Yes, that's right, you're about to figure out the mess we are in worldwide.

There is currently a buzz that keeps growing and about the new book of Gary Weiss. According to "Wall Street Wealth Managers" this book that pillories the brokerage industry should have started at page 75... Don't let customers read this book, they rumor. I already told you about that book earlier but this is obviously the best feedback ever if you were hesitating to buy it.

April 25, Stephan Roach's article entitled Globalization's new underclass in China and America appeared in the Asia Times online and which gives anyone reading it another icy shower. Let me quote 3 sentences of his: both countries have extreme disparities in the internal mix of their respective income distributions....While the US and China suffer from similar degrees of income inequality, they have arrived at this point through very different means.... The rich are, indeed, getting richer but the rest of the workforce is not. This spells mounting disparities in the distribution of income - for developed and developing countries, alike. (!!!)

What many call the American Dream is about to be erased through executive fiat. Worst yet, Jane and John Doe truly believe Washington Elites blaming "evil" China for manipulating its currency. There are other news more or less ignored in order to dupe the American Public even further, such as a Russian minister acknowledging that the Dollar is now too unstable to be reliable; and a Chinese central banker recommeding to be more worried about the dollar than the yuan.

To tell you how this criminal debt based system has gone out of hand, in the so-called booming India, the market rally sees bank loans landing in stocks. Using debts to boost the economy, that's right: (quote) "We don't ask the customer to give us a bill as a proof of purchase. There is a genuine limitation when it comes to demanding bills for personal loans granted for marriage as there would be many expenses which may not be billed, "he added. (end quote)Not to mention that in China the level of bad loans amounted to nearly 900 billions of dollars at the end of April 2006. Let's be serious here: these 900bn represent what is known but anyone understanding how debtomania works can easily assme that the official numbers hide an awful truth... somewhere.

Meanwhile more working Americans go without health-care coverage (rose to 41% in 2005), a USAToday headline revealed the 27th of April. But the most terrifying news of the month is the derivatives neutron bomb which could get off at any moment the
IMF warned in its "global financial stability" report. A stability report!? Who do they think we are? These guys are managing our destinies. Amid all those threats, remember that early this month European banking institutions were simulating a financial meltdown. All this makes me think of the "yen" which needs a strong dollar to not resemble the Titanic. The economic runes are getting aligned slowly on but surely. China said that economic imbalances were deepening and Tanigaki told that Japan's fiscal situation is "severe".

And there is more: the new dreaded deadline: the Iran Oil Bourse set to open in July. Although this remains to be seen because of the geopolical tensions, I'd advise you to keep an eye on the ball. Should Iran' s move be confirmed, the war cartel will strike even before you've realized what has happened. If God answers prayers, America is doomed. Just as Justin Raimondo puts it: A war with Iran would mean the end of our Republic .

Funnily US lenders continue their predatory tactics legally and have launched the
50 year mortgage in California. They already prepare themselves to apply the formula nationwide for when the country will go under water. Many people will choose this option when threatened with a foreclosure, I am afraid. It rather seems better than losing one's house/condo, doesn't it? All they will do is strengthening their pacts with the devil: 'The Grip of Death' is a literal translation of 'mortgage'. Cynically in Japan they already have the 90 year mortgage. Alas it isn't a joke at all. Here is what you could read in the Herald Tribune in 1992: Japan, like the United States, faces a social crisis of its own making... Some mortgages now run 90 years, meaning it takes the work of three generations ... I feel sorry for the people who are going to lose their shirts. If you have bought your home/condo in the past 5 years, sell it while there is still a little chance out there. Ironically here in Manhattan where I live Mayor Bloomberg gave the rent stabilization status another and very last 3 years... but who cares now. In 3 years will be in full motion collapse anyway.

Depressed? Bear in mind that you're not alone: around mid-May, Zimbabwe's prices had risen 900%, turning staples into luxuries... and what will happen do you think when a country like America deals with
87TN dollar debt - all liabilities included? Do the math for yourself. Let me give one advice, stop believing in "free will astrology" today.

I came across a 1999 issue of giving a shot to J.K. Galbraith and his "The Economics of Innocent Fraud" ... the verdict is utterly appalling, you/we are being conned legally. The problem is that no one is going to rescue you, just know that the high ranked hypocrites won't stop lauding "Master Galbraith" for many decades to come. Does Oblivion has a rock-bottom? What is the price of the Empire would you ask?

America's borrower-industrial complex is a bouncing dead cat aimed at nuking your own wallet. Please hold your breath no matter what - as long as you can - and get prepared to help yourself/ves. Reinventing *brotherhood* should be an immediate objective of y/ours.

Luckily there is some light at the end of the tunnel though: a film titled “In Debt We Trust” is being made. Yes, it is being made. Thanks to Danny Schechter for helping save the world despite itself.

previous: Hypno$i$ , A Short Story About Billions and Trillions , Invariable Rules

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Where is the eliteworld? By Joost van Steenis

Where is the eliteworld?

Dear reader, this is the 71st Letter of an Autonomous Thinker

Everybody should know that a small group of super-rich people that live on the safe and privileged eliteworld (far from our often harsh massworld) takes decisions without and over us.

In 1968 Ferdinand Lundberg for example wrote the book "The rich and the super-rich" (Bantam Books 1968) in which he pinpointed many of the super-rich and also described what they did with the money they had amassed.

But, though it can be interesting to know who the top people of the world are, this knowledge will not transform the world. Therefore human activity is needed. I propose that masspeople invade the eliteworld. Then the elite will be confronted with the "other people". Decisions should not be taken in favour of a small group of already privileged people but to advance all humanity. See for example my concept of the action method Creative Disturbance, .

The central question is not how many super-rich there are but where they are. Where is the eliteworld and what can masspeople do to unite the massworld with the eliteworld to get the New World on which everyone has equal status.

The eliteworld is an isolated part of our earth where masspeople are not welcome. In the massworld die for example each year five million children because they do not have enough food to survive. Problems as inadequate food, housing or schooling that can easily be solved only exist in the massworld. They are non-existent in the eliteworld.

But where is the eliteworld?

Let's assume that most masspeople earn less than 4000 euro a month and that elitepeople have mostly a much higher income. (The amount of 4000 euro is arbitrarily and some masspeople will earn more while some elitepeople temporarily can earn less than this amount).

When you earn less than 4000 euro per month you cannot afford to stay in 5-star hotels, to travel first class on a plane (or possess your own jet), to have security guards to protect you and your possessions, to buy a car of 200.000 euro or a house of 2.000.000 euro. You cannot become member of a golf club that ask a 100.000 euro a year, to shop in Bangkok when you are living in Europe or to sit on the best places on the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix. You cannot afford to pay 500 euro for a diner, 20 euro for a glass of beer or wear clothes that cost 10.000 euro a piece. You are not allowed to enter the elite world because you have not enough money.

I could lengthen this litany about things elitepeople can and masspeople cannot afford. Many things are exclusively reserved for people with money. Our world looks unified but in some places you see only elitepeople.

Elite- and massworld are separated from each other. Some masspeople are allowed to enter the eliteworld as servants, as a lesser kind of humans that makes the life of elitepeople more comfortable. These masspeople are not considered to be real people. Elitepeople do not have a human conservation with the butler and the rest of the personnel is even more invisible.

I only give a vague idea where the eliteworld can be found. Maybe later I will give more details but I think that everybody can discover where the eliteworld is. There live the people with power, there decisions are taken. But most actions take place in the massworld as is the case with demonstrations and other actions in front of official buildings (when the top of the elite is never targeted). I call on masspeople to invade those elitist places they are not allowed to enter. Only then the road to One World for all people will be opened.

Most political analysts concentrate on the question who the elitepeople are that reign over the masses, who the Illuminati are, who the members of the Bilderberg Group are. I concentrate on the reason why they want to be on top of the world. They only want to have the power to remain forever in the agreeable eliteworld that is far from the often not so very nice massworld. I propagate to invade the eliteworld in order to confront the elite with the fact that there are more humans on our earth than elitepeople. They should be drowned in the sea of masspeople. And because there are more than a hundred masspersons for each eliteperson, it must be possible to get a New World on which all people have equal status.

Yours truly, Joost van Steenis
Ways to increase masspower

The End of the American Economy By Andrew Fournier


You cannot look at the world and think of it as separate countries. It is better viewed as a large nation with interdependent states. Every nation in this world relies on another for different reasons. Americans rely on other countries to supply the growing needs of the country. Every year we import billions of dollars of goods from China and increase the trade deficit. The current trade deficit with China was $202 billion in 2005 (Silva 11). The deficit continues to increase each year despite economic concerns about dependence on China. Compounding the situation is that the Unite States’ monetary system is not based on extrinsic value, but rather the guarantee of the government and the trust of the citizens, also known as intrinsic value. The United States’ monetary system was based and run by the gold standard. The fact that our currency is not backed up by equal value in gold is shocking. The habit of consuming without a strong production of US goods weakens the economy and increases our dependence on other countries. If the US economy collapses the countries that depend on the US’s consumption will also fail without the billions of American dollars. The American economy is primarily a consuming economy in that it does not produce enough goods to maintain its spending habits. This over consumption has the potential to cause a failure causing the American economy, and any other dependant economies to collapse.
The US currency has been backed up by gold and silver most notably with the Gold Standard. The Federal Reserve note was a piece of paper that said it represented a piece of the gold or silver. This was the main system up until the Federal Reserve decided to move from a commodity based monetary system to an intrinsic monetary system. In essence the current dollar is not backed up by something with extrinsic value; its value comes from the trust that you can exchange the money for goods. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson in 1913 (McConnell 148). The Federal Reserve System was based on having a central bank which would issue paper money backed by commodities. The currency would be guaranteed by the Federal Reserve, not the Federal Government. By being able to issue money as needed the Federal Reserve became a lender of last resort.

Combining the note issuing function with the ability to mobilize existing reserves effectively has given the Fed the power to lend when all other lender’s power has been exhausted.

This excerpt show how powerful the newly created Federal Reserve System was. It could create money as it needed to lend out. Banks could issue paper money as long as it was backed by gold or silver (Greider 228). It wasn’t until the Federal Reserve act that there was a central currency for America. The United States abandoned the extrinsic approach to currency in 1933 an excerpt from William Greider explains this.

The United States would hang on to gold longer than others, but it too finally suspended the right of gold convertibility in the financial crises of 1933. Until then, citizens could turn in their reserve Notes for an appropriate quantity of gold. After 1933, the Fed’s paper money could be redeemed only with more paper money (Greider 283).

This is a key statement in that it shows how we discarded a currency of extrinsic value in favor of an intrinsically valued currency. The Federal Reserve became the controlling force in the flow of money. Money is no longer backed by gold or silver. The Reserve now creates and issues currency as needed. The key is that the money is liquid and accepted nationally. A worker is paid every Friday with the paper money. He then in turn can go to a grocery store and buy dinner with the paper money. The store owner knows that with this money he can then purchase goods. The cycle continues and money is traded for goods. The sponsors of the new system used the defense that money is “elastic.” The Federal Reserve would control the flow of money and in turn regulate the amount of inflation the country would have to bear. The Federal Reserve would control the discount rate, the rate a bank pays to borrow money, to regulate how much money is being loaned out. By raising the rates banks would be discouraged from borrowing and the outflow of dollars from the Fed would be controlled. As the banks paid off their loans the Fed would be able to lower the rates and in turn loan out more money (Greider 282). This means the purchasing power of America is regulated by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve and the loss of extrinsic value in our currency is one of the factors that could lead to economic collapse.

The second factor is, America relies much too heavily on foreign nations for the importation of its goods. The nation’s current trade imbalance with China in 2005 is around $202 Billion (Silva 11). This is mostly due to consumers choosing prices over origination of goods. In China the average hourly wage for a factory worker is $0.64 an hour, in Mexico it is $2.48, and in the US it is $21 (Coy 46). These staggering numbers alone show how imbalanced the cost of manufacturing goods varies. Given a hypothetical product to be created, it takes 4 hours of labor to produce a widget. In America you are looking at approximately $84 in just labor costs. For the same widget to be produced in China it may theoretically cost $3.56 before additional expenses. For a company that is trying to make a profit and retain consumers; a cost of $3 is much better than a cost of $80 for labor. Companies need lower prices in order to attract more consumers and to sell a higher volume of goods. This is a perfect example proving that production cost may be a reason to ship an item 3,000 miles in order to sell it on American soil. The reverse is also true. If American goods are so expensive to manufacture, it will be hard to export them to other nations in the world due to the cost of manufacturing.
The deficit with china grows more every year. The cost of production is a fuel that helps the deficit grows.

Essentially, we have financed a surfeit of imports by issuing financial assets that represent a foreign-held claim on future U.S. output (Economic Trends 19).
This is an excerpt from the Federal Reserve Bank or Cleveland. It explains how America has financed the growing trade deficit. The US has essentially sold future work and goods to pay for our imports today. America is deferring payment and in turn racking up substantial amounts of debt. In 1999 the amount of US debt was $1.5 trillion. Another section of the article states that, “As a consequence, we became a net debtor nation in 1988 when foreign-owned assets in the U.S. began to exceed U.S.-owned assets in the rest of the world.” This is saying that foreign companies own more assets on American soil, than American owned assets in the world. Other countries are buying up American debt so that we can keep consuming their goods. Recent proof of this is an excerpt from MacLean’s magazine in 2003 stating:
The reason the greenback doesn’t collapse from non-stop bleeding is that it’s the world’s pre-eminent financial currency. As American consumers send money abroad to buy the things that define the American way of life, foreigners don’t dump those dollars; they invest them in what has been the most dynamic economy in the industrial world, buying US bonds, stocks and real estate (Coxe 45).
This has a compounding effect, similar to a large credit card; we consume billions of dollars worth of goods and charge the cost. America continues to spend and increase debt until we reach a critical point, essentially the bill comes in. The American economy runs by consuming and building debt, when it is no longer able to take on any debt is when the system begins to fail. The economy won’t be able to handle all the goods and services it has promised for many years. The foreigners continue to purchase assets in America causing a dependence on foreigners. The United States’ economy may be located on American soil but it is becoming controlled by a foreign market as different countries gain stock and power on Wal Street. The weak outflow of exports won’t be able to substantiate the needs of the foreign debt collectors driving America bankrupt.

Just as the American economy borrows from other countries, the citizens of the US borrow more than they can handle. One of the problems is that there are so many different ways to take out loans and to use assets to buy more. One main fuel of this fire is the housing bubble. “The value of real estate assets owned by Americans has zoomed to $19 trillion from $10 trillion,” stated on February 6, 2006 by David Rosenberg, Merrill Lynch & Co’s chief North American economist (Coy 9). He points out that the housing market is expanding too rapidly. The housing market has grown by billions over the past decade. This means that billions more resources, not currently available to a consumer, are now available to be spent. America will keep using house equity to take out new debts and loans. It allows a person who initially paid $100,000 for a house, to take out a $150,000 loan because houses are appreciating in value. The problem is that this is a volatile market. If the housing bubble were to deflate or even pop people would not be able to deal with the massive debt. The $150,000 loan may now be for a house that is valued at $75,000. The following excerpt is from Peter Thiel, the man who sold Pay Pal to EBay for $1.5 billion and runs a hedge fund in the stock market:
If housing unravels, I think there will be a recession in the US,” Thiel says. “Not just because fewer people will be working in areas related to real estate, like construction and mortgage brokers, but because people’s savings rate has gone down to something like minus %1 versus the low (but positive) two digits in the 1970’s and 1980’s. A negative savings rate is a very dangerous threat to the economy (Hahn 24).

Thiel points out some key situations as to why the economy could fail. He points out that the American people are no longer saving money. We are at a negative saving rate and this causes people to take on debt, or lose savings. The Bureau of Economic Analysis has published a summary of personal income and outlays. The personal savings as a percentage of disposable income was at -.3% (Bureau 6). Americans are spending more than they make. This equates to $235.2million of personal savings now being spent on top of the disposable income. Some may view this as a positive sign for the economy because it shows that Americans are able to spend more and invest in the economy. This is a wrong idea because it means that if the housing market goes under, the economy’s most robust sector would no longer be available. It also signifies that Americans are now spending so much of their money their savings are decreasing. This would cause a slowing of an already weak economy and a burial of citizens in debt.

Thiel is also quoted as saying:”Each of the past five times the yield curve has inverted, the economy came to a standstill or tipped into a recession.” (Hahn 25). He points out historical occurrences of recessions and a flat yield curve. The yield is the difference between rates of long-term and short-term investments (Cohen 220). When the rates become close or flat it indicates that a short-term investment has the same yield as a long-term investment. Every time the economy went into recession it was preceded by a flat yield curve. The US economy is already heading there; it currently has a flattening curve. The flat yield curve is a possible indicator for the economy to enter a recession given our foreign dependence, housing bubble, and negative savings rate.

There is an opposing view to the status of the economy. Many economic forecasters are more optimistic because they see potential for money to be made and the current strength of the economy. They, along with millions of Americans are oblivious to the factors coming together that will lead to the collapse of The US’s economy. Their first point is how the Federal Reserve is beneficial to our economy. The Federal Reserve is able to manipulate interest rates and slow down sectors of the economy. They are also able to help boost lagging sectors. By manipulating the money flow the reserve is able to manipulate the American economy. Diana Farrell wrote an article explaining how this deficit could help the American economy she wrote: “The declining value of the US dollar was supposed to restore balance to global trade by discounting exports from the United States while making its imports more expensive.” (Farrell 122). She continues by saying, “Any net negative impact that foreign affiliates may have on the trade balance is more an accounting anomaly than a cause for economic concern.” This represents the opposition. People who think the economy is going to collapse are oblivious and will not look at the reality of current events. She pointed out how the dollar would weaken and increase exports, but still America consumes. America is the purchasing powerhouse of the world; when the dollar weakens it symbolizes the current strength of America to the world. America loses purchasing power. This causes an even greater debt to build up. A weakening currency is never good for a primarily consuming economy. The second quote points out how the opposition denies the issues at hand. For example Farrell blames the negative impact on an accounting flaw and not the real reason; American dollars are leaving the country and building debt. She denies the fact that our trade deficit worsens every year even with a weakening dollar. When the optimists are in denial as to the real situation, the economy should be watched closer due to the potential for failure.

History is repeating itself. The introduction of paper money that isn’t backed up has been tried and has failed at least twice so far in history. The first use of paper money was in Sweden in 1661 (Paper Gains 91). The notion was introduced by Johan Palmstruch. He founded the Swedish banco in 1656. An excerpt from the Economist’s cover story explains the creation:
In 1656 he had founded the Stockholm Banco, a private company that
Intended to issue paper money, enjoying royal privileges in return for a
Royal cut. After sustained lobbying and a public-relations effort that would
be impressive today, an issue of bank notes followed in 1661. Here was Europe's first paper currency. (Paper Gains 91)

The system worked for a couple of years but was later doomed. Another excerpt details the demise of the bank:
Briefly, amazingly, the new-fangled money worked. But, heady with success, the venture over-reached itself, issued too many notes and crashed disastrously in 1667. Palmstruch was disgraced and--fickle government--sentenced to death, a fate later commuted to a prison term. But the genie was out of the bottle: paper money had arrived.

This is similar to how the American economy works. Just as the government of Sweden, the Federal Reserve Bank is able to create money as it is needed. When there is no value behind it the volume of money is easily increased. The American dollar is starting to become largely overvalued. Evidence of this is inflation is that the large volume of dollars is weakening the trade value of the dollar against foreign currencies. It takes more dollars to buy the same amount of goods. This causes a demand for more dollars to be put into circulation worsening the situation. The Swedish example shows how fast an economic system based on intrinsic value can fail.

The next big historical event was John Law and France during the 1700’s. John Law had created a scheme similar to Johan utilizing paper money to back up the economy. He started by founding the Bank of France issuing paper money backed by gold and silver (Gleeson 45). Since the public had confidence in the French bank it was generally accepted and the bank prospered. This is similar to America today; we trust our banks and place our money in them as well. He then overstretched himself and founded the Mississippi colony. His aim was to capitalize on the Louisiana colonies and the areas of the world that France controlled (Gleeson 45). He sold the idea of America being the next El Dorado. The price of stock in this new company soared from 490 livres to 3,500 livres. By year end they were up to 10,000 livres (Gleeson 46). The reserve company that was in charge of printing new money went into overdrive trying to keep up with the rapidly inflating stock prices. Millionaires were created daily and John rose to superstar fame. During the autumn of 1720, rumors about the prosperity of the new world as well as the inability of Law to cover the shares caused stock price to plummet 90%. This can be related to the American economy. The economy is reaching a point where the dollar may no longer depend on intrinsic value. It is backed by hardly any extrinsic value when comparing the dollars in circulation to our commodity reserves. The inflation that has occurred due to the Federal Reserve is similar to John Law’s printing company trying to keep up with the demand for more shares. America is a large stock company selling promises of great financial rewards; the foreign investors are similar to the people of France hoping to make millions off these false promises. It is when the investors lose their faith that the American economy will rapidly deflate similar to France. This is the main concern with the American Economy, if the investors lose their faith in America, the economy will collapse.

These three elements, the loss of extrinsic value, the dependence on foreigners buying debt, and the current citizen debt will come together over the next 3-5 years. They are all independent, however if one section failed a domino effect would rapidly follow. The economy is run by the Federal Reserve in that it controls the money flow of the country. The Federal Reserve can manipulate the money flow and control the banks lending and borrowing. If the economy is beginning to slow the Federal Reserve can lower rates causing the banks to borrow more (Greider 282). This habit of borrowing more should help ignite the economy because banks can lend more causing consumers to spend more and help build the economy. The only issue is that this usually causes inflation. More dollars are available and this causes the price of goods to rise. The next piece is that there is more money to purchase goods; the origination of goods is imperative. America primarily imports its goods and this means the available dollars go offshore. Manufacturers such as China, India, Mexico, and the Philippines all rely on Americans to purchase their manufactured goods. When the dollars go offshore they are reinvested by the foreigners into America. They buy American debt and help finance our spending. This causes Americans to also rely on the foreigners to help subsidize the debts. The foreigners buy up stock and bonds in American trusts essentially reinvesting our spent money. So now we have an excess of money and by spending it we send it to foreigners, who smartly, reinvest it and gain power in America. The final key to the puzzle will be the American consumers. This is a key piece because they rely on the banks to take out debt. By refinancing, or buying homes they borrow extra amounts of money relying on the fact that inflation will remain constant and the price of houses will continue to increase. This is compounded by the banks borrowing money that isn’t backed by any extrinsic value. This means the burden of all our trust lies on foreign investors and with the idea that dollars are liquid enough to use for trade. The reason this would cause the American economy to fail is because of several items. The American consumer will be too far in debt to purchase any goods. The value of the dollar will plummet due to it not being backed by any means of extrinsic value. The foreign investors that rely on America will lose their investments due to no consumers. The key is that America needs to find a way to subsidize the debt and curb consumer spending habits. These three pieces are all interdependent upon one another; if one was to fail the other two would soon also fail and cause an economic failure.

If the American economy fails it will cripple other foreign countries that rely on America. The immediate countries that would be affected would be China and India due to the trade deficit being over $200 billion dollars (Silva 11). If the economy were to fail China would have to forgive all debt due to America unable to repay the debt. The Chinese would also be affected because their main importer would no longer be able to finance any of the goods. The multi-billion dollar American Consumer would not be able to buy any more foreign goods. The American Government would also be affected. They rely on the Federal Reserve loaning money in the form of bonds to banks. These bonds help pay for the different military operations. If the economy were to collapse there would be no way to subsidize the billions necessary to conduct operations around the world. The United States is an integral part of keeping the world’s economy alive, if it fails, the world’s economy would suffer the effects.

There is a way to prevent the collapse. The first step would be to restrict the Federal Reserve’s power over the flow of money. If America returned to a system that was backed by extrinsic value as well as intrinsic the economy would stabilize. Having an economy that is backed by precious metals causes it to be much more stable due to the limits it imposes on the amount of dollars that are floating around. Another piece to saving the economy is the reduction of consumer debt. By not refininancing your home and borrowing more money it would alleviate the affects of a receding economy. By having less debt, the economy will be able to grow and become more fluid. The reduction of debt is integral because it allows consumers to have more liquidity in their asset holdings. As equity is gained, the amount locked in debt is freed. This surplus in funds will help the economy. The final piece to saving the economy is exporting not importing. Being import free is impractical and impossible, but by having a more exports the Economy will see an influx of real value. The new dollars coming into the economy would be earned and not subsidized debt. The greater exports would also help pay off the growing trade imbalance. A reduction of just 5% on the trade imbalance is $10.1 billion dollars. Over 10 years the trade imbalance would be cut in half. By reducing the imbalance the American economy reduces its reliance on foreign imports. These three actions could protect America from an economic failure.

In conclusion the American economy is currently robust, but has the potential to fail. The key elements of no extrinsic value in the currency, reliance on foreign investors, and large volumes of consumer debt will be the cause of the failure. The large volumes of intrinsic currency undervalue the dollar and its potential strength. This combined with an economy that relies on foreigners to subsidize American debt is troublesome. If economic collapse occurred the citizens of America would be locked into debt that they would never be able to pay back. This locks all the current money in non liquid assets. If money lost its intrinsic value, the value it runs on, it would no longer be an acceptable currency for trade. These three actions all depend on the intrinsic value of the dollar and the continuous buying of American debt. Once the system overloads the debt factor and the no value behind the currency would cause economic failure. Current economic forecasters are denying the status of America and the debt being built. This ignorance will only lead to an accelerated collapse since consumers trust the forecasters. Action needs to take place. America must return to an extrinsic value currency and reduce the amount of extra dollars currently in use. America also needs to rely more on American products and not buying foreign manufactured goods. The reduction of debt will be the final saving grace. If America were to move into action economic failure would not be a plausible idea. The collapse of the American economic system would also have world wide repercussions. The Countries that now rely on America to import billions of dollars in goods will face economic turmoil. This problem extends far beyond American borders as well because the world looks to the American dollar as a comparative scale. If the United States’ currency failed the world’s market would no longer have the billions of dollars that leave each year. The American citizens would riot and enter a state of anarchy due to the loss of structure. The American economy needs to be reevaluated due to the potential for failure. The American economy is primarily a consuming economy in that it does not produce enough goods to maintain its spending habits. This over consumption has the potential to cause a failure causing the American economy, and any other dependant economies to collapse.

Works Cited
Cohen, Marilyn. "Quest for Yield." Forbes 31 October 2005: 220.
Coxe, Donald. "The Sick Greenback." MacLean’s 10 March 2003: 45.
Coy, Pete. "Is the Bell Tolling for Housing?" Business Week Online 2 August 2006: 9.
Coy, Peter. "Just how Cheap is Chinese Labor?" Business Week 13 December 2004: 46.
Farrell, Diana. "A Silver Lining in the US Trade Deficit." McKinsey Quarterly April 2005: 122-125.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The US as a Debtor Nation. : 1999.
Gleeson, Janet. "Currency Law." New Statesman 13 November 2000: 45-46.
Greider, William. Secrets of the Temple. 1st ed. Vol.1. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. .
Hahn, Avital, Louria. "Economic Iceberg Dead Ahead." Investment Dealers Digest 30 January 2006: 24-25.
"Paper Gains." The Economist 31 December 1999: 91.
Rankin, James, E., Armah, Michael. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal Income and Outlays: March 2006. 1 March 2006. 2 May 2006 .

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Homeland Security & the Banks By FreedomPool

A family member from Irvine, CA (who's a branch manager at Bank of America) told us two weeks ago that her bank held a "workshop" where the last two days were dedicated to discussing their bank's new security measures. During these last two days, the workshop included members from the Homeland Security Office who instructed them on how to field calls from customers and what they are to tell them in the event of a national disaster. She said they were told how only agents from Homeland Security (during such an event) would be in charge of opening safe deposit boxes and determining what items would be given to bank customers.

At this point they were told that no weapons, cash, gold, or silver will be allowed to leave the bank - only various paperwork will be given to its owners. After discussing the matter with them at length, she and the other employees were then told not to discuss the subject with anyone.

The family member has since given her notice to quit the bank.

I found the news alarming and decided to find out more myself. On a trip to my bank here in Houston, I remarked to a young bank employee (who's new there), "well I guess you've been told all that stuff by the manager and the Homeland Security about what to tell your customers" - and to my amazement, the young woman came right out and said yes she'd been through all that, then whispered to me across the counter, "but we're not supposed to talk about - I could lose my job."

Why haven't you heard more about this?

First of all, since maybe only banks' upper management is privy to the new "rules", the information doesn't trickle down so easily.

Also keep in mind that employees have been told NOT to say anything about this, that it's a matter of National Security (with an allusion toward arrest if they do). They face possibly losing their job too. Another reason is that bank employees may not think it's important, or they believe they're a unique part of the effort towards curtailing "terrorism" and helping America's internal defenses.

It is also important to realize that not everyone's a writer, or Internet savvy - even if the employees moved beyond their banks' warnings & constraints, most people don't know how to get their experience published on the Web in the public domain - it's a mystery they are not familiar with so you never hear their story.

How to get the information yourself:

Visit your bank, ask a few well-worded questions, being careful not to arouse suspicion - if that doesn't work, talk to friends and other family members - maybe they've heard something - or as a last resort, just point blank call the bank manager in private and demand to know what's all this business with the Homeland Security deciding what I can have from my safe deposit box - tell me now or I'll close my account today.

I'll bet if you put forth the effort you'll get the answers you want.

What should you do with this information?

I'm not trying to "scare" anyone - just providing some news I think is relevant to Americans. Each must find his way through this dark forest - you will do with this information what best suits you and your loved ones.

Be prepared.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I’ve been thinking about developments By Fred Cederholm

Column for on/after Apr 30th

I’ve been thinking about developments. Actually I’ve been thinking about grass, “the PDB,” Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Iraq/Angola, and bodies. Over the past weekend, I needed to get gas for my John Deere riding mower and for my trimmer/edger. It was time to begin the lawn cutting season of 2006. As I paid for the fuel, it hit me that filling my yard equipment cost more than 3 times what it did to fill my first car – a little red Renault Dauphine. What a revolting development that was to my psyche! What gives?

You see last Friday April, 28th; the Energy Information Agency of the US Department of Energy released the figures and breakdowns of our petroleum energy consumption and imports for February 2006. You might TH*NK that information is now two months old, but remember how Shakespeare wrote: “What’s past is prologue.” The PDB (President’s Daily Briefing) surely addresses these data. A growing number of Americans believe as I that Uncle $ugar’s policies – both foreign and domestic – are fueled by petroleum concerns (pun intended.) TH*NK about subsequent “news” making developments in light of the following information.

Canada was the largest external source of total petroleum energy imports in February 06. We imported 2,262 TBpD (Thousand Barrels per Day) down 2.1% from Jan. 06 and up 9.1% from Feb. 05. Canada is not a member of OPEC and accepts dollars for their sales. Given the importance of the Canadian energy sources to US/us, things are pretty quiet on this front.

Mexico was the second largest external source of total petroleum energy imports in February 06. We imported 1,878 TBpD up 4.6% from Jan. 06 and up 18.5% from Feb. 05. BUT… Mexico also became our LARGEST external source of total crude oil imports in February 06 – for the first time (?). We imported 1,774 TBpD up 4.3% from Jan.06 and up 19.2% from Feb 05. Mexico is not a member of OPEC and accepts dollars for their sales. Bush met with Mexico’s President Fox in a special summit at Cancun in March. How much of the discussions dealt with our imports of oil? How much of the discussions dealt with their exports of people as “guest workers” nee illegal aliens? Were these discussions linked?

Venezuela was the third largest external source of total petroleum energy imports in February 06. We imported 1,475 TBpD down 4.2% from Jan. 06 and down 12.7% from Feb. 05. Venezuela is a member of OPEC and accepts dollars/EURO’s for their sales. President Chavez has continued his efforts to “nationalize” Venezuela’s oil industry and oust foreign oil conglomerates from tapping “their” petro-riches. What progress was made in negotiations with China/India to meet their future energy needs at the further “expense” of supplying US/us?

Saudi Arabia was the fourth largest external source of total petroleum energy imports in February 06. We imported 1,451 TBpD up 6.0% from Jan. 06 and down 7.8% from Feb. 05. Saudi Arabia is a member of OPEC and accepts dollars for their sales. Given the importance of the Saudi energy sources for US/us and the regional turmoil, things are very quiet on that front.

Nigeria was the fifth largest external source of total petroleum energy imports in February 06. We imported 1,377 TBpD up 16.1% from Jan. 06 and up 14.3% from Feb. 05. Nigeria is a member of OPEC and accepts dollars for their sales. How many Americans even know where in Africa Nigeria is located, or what’s been happening there? Unless you make a point of checking foreign news reporting on-line, you wouldn’t have a clue. Were you aware that petroleum from Iraq – Supplier #7 – at 450 TBpD in February 06 down 15.4% from Jan. 06 and down 14% from Feb. 05 was being supplanted with petroleum from Angola – Supplier #6 – at 478 TBpD in February 06 up 10.4% from Jan. 06 and up 21.3% from Feb. 05?

Uncle $ugar’s policy developments abroad (what the Administration chooses to do) and at home (what the Administration chooses not to do) are clearly linked to America’s addiction/ dependency on foreign oil. To secure access to the oil of the Middle East, we are “paying” in bodies for barrels. To secure access to the oil of our neighbor to the South, we are “accepting” bodies for barrels. I’m Fred Cederholm and I’ve been thinking. You should be thinking, too.

Copyright 2006 Questions, Inc. All rights reserved.

To “audit” this column and to learn more about the subjects discussed, please check out:
February 2006 Import Highlights: Released on April 28, 2006

I’ve been thinking about leaks By Fred Cederholm

Column for on/after Apr 23rd

I’ve been thinking about leaks. Actually I’ve been thinking about similarities between the 1970’s and 20XX’s, politicos and dogs, spinmeisters and whistleblowers, propaganda and truth, and campaigns and fireplugs. Leaks fall into two varieties/categories. Originally, leaks were only of the fluid variety where some liquid materialized as if out of the blue “to” a place where it wasn’t expected. Now, leaks come in the form of words/information as if out of the blue “from” a place where it wasn’t expected. In both cases, leaks are meant as a warning.

You see some thirty years ago this nation was stuck in a far off conflict – a war that was never officially declared. Things were not going as planned/predicted; the outcome looked evermore bleak. Financial costs ballooned and the casualties rose week after week after week. There was no exit strategy and no end in sight. The more the public learned; the more the dissent grew and the more Americans demanded an end to the conflict. Opinion polls headed “south” regarding both the conflict itself and the politicians/interests who supported it. There were leaks, there were lots of leaks. Reality had become more bizarre than fiction.

Factions and clandestine organizations within our Government did things to plug/stop the leaking. Many of these actions violated the principles guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our sacred laws/protections/liberties were broken and ignored. Events occurred that went against the very core of America’s traditional values. Public outrage continued to grow. We came to the brink of a Constitutional crisis; a President resigned and his administration was terminated. Does anyone see any similarities developing here?

Politicians and their operatives are a lot like dogs. They are very territorial, they are very protective of their turf, and they have an innate sense of loyalty to their masters. When they feel that their world/spheres are threatened, they use whatever methods are at their disposal to re-establish their boundaries and to re-claim their turf. At the onset… the end justifies the means for them all. When the smoke clears and the dust finally settles, it will become apparent to the American people that the means were but a justification for the ends. And… the end was not at all what we had been lead to expect or to believe.

Leaking information is done by both spinmeisters and whistleblowers. Spinmeisters do it for both damage control and to create damage. They cherry-pick the facts (or create them) to further their side’s agenda and to discredit the opponents of their bosses. Whistleblowers do it because they have an axe to grind. They may feel personally threatened, they may feel their agency/employer is getting a bum rap (or is doing something illegal), and/or they may believe the public is being kept in the dark – that the facts are being withheld.

The first rule of politics is to get elected- to get into power and to keep it. The second rule of politics is to never forget the first rule. All has become fair game in politics, love, and war. It is said that truth is the first casualty of war. Leaks - regardless of their source, subject, or objective - must contain the appearance of some elements of truth. Effective leaks only require a certain level of initial credibility even if they are later proven to be false, erroneous, or out-and-out lies. It is the temporal propaganda value that really counts. Once the damage is done to the reputation of a candidate, a journalist, a private citizen, or our nation as a whole; does it really matter if the leaked information was true, or illusory?

The November elections are over six months away, but We the People… are already experiencing a deluge of leaks. As the election campaigns rev up over the Summer and Fall, and support for continued (or expanded) military actions abroad continues to decline; there will be much more leaking going on - coming from BOTH major political parties. I can guarantee THAT with 100% certainty. This column was supposed to be about the leaking of words/ information, but for some growing reason - I (as a US citizen and a registered voter) am feeling more and more like a fireplug. I’m Fred Cederholm and I’ve been thinking. You should be thinking, too.

Copyright 2006 Questions, Inc. All rights reserved.