Real Wealth Society

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why Ron Paul Will Be The Next U.S. President by J. Jaeger

Why Ron Paul Will Be The Next U.S. President
by James Jaeger

No one can easily predict who will be the next president of the United States, BUT one can predict who will NOT be the next president. Thus by process of elimination, the winner CAN be deduced. This essay will argue why it's now possible to predict why Ron Paul will be the next president using process of elimination and data indicating extant polling patterns.

The three main issues most concerning the American people at this time seem to be a) the war in Iraq, b) the economy and c) business as usual in Washington, i.e., "change."

Given that 65% - 70% of the electorate want out of the Iraq War immediately and at least 5 out of the 6 Republican presidential candidates say they will NOT deliver that state of affairs, it's reasonably safe to say we can eliminate 83.3% of the Republicans as the next president.(1)

Given that most of the electorate are concerned about the economy, and the incumbent Republican Party is responsible for the economy, it's safe to say we can eliminate a Republican as the next president on this account as well.

Given that most of the electorate want a "change" in Washington, and the incumbent party in Washington is Republican, then, in order to deliver such "change," it's safe to say we can eliminate a Republican as the next president because to not do so would not provide said "change."

Thus we can eliminate the Republican from the presidency by reason of at least three predominant issues.

If Ron Paul leaves the Republican Party and runs under a Third Party, say the Constitution Party, only a Democrat or a Constitutionalist will now stand a chance. None of the other Third Party candidates, such as a Nader or a Perot, will stand a chance because they have not garnered enough exposure during the past year of campaigning and debating and will never reach the 15% threshold for the presidential debates.

So how can we eliminate either the Democrat or the Constitutionalist to determine who will win the presidency?



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