Real Wealth Society

Friday, April 11, 2008

Blood From Student Stones Loans By Elaine M.Supkis

April 8, 2008

First of the big student loan security sales organizations files for bankruptcy. This annoys me no end. No student is ever allowed to file for bankruptcy! But the guys peddling this stuff may protect themselves this way! Charming. Hedge funds are no longer the destination of trillions of inflationary dollars and they are going under, one by one. Roubini and Misch and others debate the letter that describes the recession we are in. Is it a W, a U or an L. One commentator says, it is an F-U-C-K recession. I say, this is correct. And rail roads are sidelining much of their rolling stock due to lack of customers: a classic depression gage of dropping commerce....



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