The Federal Reserve Operates For Profits
1. The Federal Reserve Bank is a private banking system created by foreign interests. Call any branch for verification.
2. The Federal Reserve Bank is the sole creditor of the United States and the entire national debt is owed to the Federal Reserve Bank. Write your congressman for verification.
3. There are twelve member banks in this system and according to their bylaws (articles of association) they each have the power to act as depositary and fiscal agent (tax collector) of the United States.
4. Federal Reserve Board regulations and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles prohibit member banks within the Federal Reserve System from lending money from their own assets or from other depositors. Federal Reserve member banks do not make loans.
5. Bank customers fund their own mortgage transactions by signing a note. The note is the creation of currency that never existed before being signed by the customer.
6. Because the banks have monopolized the market on negotiable instruments, only banks will accept your promissory note. You can't buy groceries with a promissory note for example.
7. The practice of failing to disclose these facts in the mortgage agreement voids and nullifies the note because it violates 12 CFR 226.17(c)(1) of the Truth in Lending Law.
8. Unsecured debts assigned to debt collectors are not legally enforceable without the consent of the customer.
9. The banks must pay their customers back the entire value of each note and credit limit minus fees and interest.
10. These facts apply to both secured (e.g. mortgages, credit cards) and unsecured (e.g. credit card) accounts.
11. There are no disclosure or application requirements for a social security number. There are no penalties for refusing to disclose a social security number to anyone. 26 CFR 301.6109-1(c). This is a ruse perpetrated by the FDIC, Federal Reserve and insurance industry for the purpose of illegally monitoring American citizens.
12. The credit reporting system is the creation of the Federal Trade Commission. Its primary use is to collect and build information databases about Americans. It also provides an inexpensive means for banks to unfairly punish people and destroy reputations by subverting the legal requirements normally imposed upon them under the court system.
Extract From THE BANKER'S MANIFEST, for private circulation among leading bankers only. "Civil Servants' Year Book (The Organizer)" Jan 1934 & "New American" Feb 1934 "Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people lose their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus, by discreet action we can secure for ourselves
Along these lines, I've come across a very interesting article on Federal Reserve Notes History that details the fraudulent activivites of the Fed. It's unbelievable what these crooks do to us.
Anonymous, At
12:29 PM
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