Real Wealth Society

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What is the REAL Value of Gold? By James Jaeger

Shouldn't there be A LOT more gold than this? See below or go to

Are they hiding it? If this is "all" the gold there is in the Dept of Treasury, some 11 billion "dollars" worth, wouldn't the TRUE value of an ounce of gold be calculated by establishing the ratio of gold to FRNs and then determining how many ounces of gold should be equal to an FRN?

In other words, we're not interested in knowing how many so-called "dollars" each ounce of gold is "worth" but how many ounces of gold there are out there FOR each fiat FRN in existence.

Using the below data, this would be calculated by:
261,498,899 Oz / $11,041,058,821 = 2.61 X 10 ^ 8 / 1.10 X 10 ^10 = 2.37 X 10 ^ -2 Oz per FRN

Thus each FRN in the US is really only worth .0237 fine troy ounces of silver.

Once we get the number of FRNs and other cash equivalents in circulation in the US, we should be able to calculate the REAL value of gold -- not the bogus value foisted upon us by gov propaganda agencies. It's a simple step to then extrapolate this date to the WW scene, no?

James Jaeger

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Anti-War Proposal By Norman Cassen: Boycott Christmas!

You are a public representative in our community. Please consider being part of this 3-step anti-war promotion. Your help and suggestions would be appreciated.
norman Cassen

Step 1, blanketing (a targeted email campaign)........
Boycott Christmas
Send an economic message….we don’t like war. WE DON’T LIKE WAR.
PASS IT ON! You have permission to post, anywhere!

Step 2 (personal response)
Subject: Boycott Christmas, weep for the dying
Thank you for your positive response
Tell everybody. Tell them to tell everybody.
Have a solemn Christmas, norm
A message of nonviolence
A message of protest
A message to Wall Street
A message to Big Corporations
A message to the White House

YOUR message from the heart,
We don’t like war!
Silently waiting

Step 3 (final follow up)
SUBJECT: Boycott Christmas We must weep for the dying
U.S. Monthly Toll in Iraq at Highest Point in 2 years (NPR Oct 8, 2006).

More than 650,000 people have died in Iraq according to a new study published in the prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet (Oct 10, 2006).

“We’ll need 120,000 US Troops in Iraq through 2010” (Oct 12, 2006).

U.S. casualties surge amid worsening Iraq violence (Oct 12, 2006).

Dow at record after strong earnings (Oct 12, 2006).

Meanwhile, the University of Michigan said its index, that gauges consumer sentiment, jumped to 92.3 in October. “Happy Days are here again" (Oct 13, 2006).

In awe of the blood
Protest with your pocketbook
PASS it on..........

press release for media and corporate sponsorship, website for community involvement, designed by
Nigel Parry

Contact me, at your convenience at
norman Cassen

I’ve been thinking about reconciliations by Fred Cederholm

Column for on/after Oct 15th, 2006

I’ve been thinking about reconciliations. Actually I’ve been thinking about bank statements and press releases, the budget deficit, the national debt, the current deficit, foreign advances, and bank overdrafts.

Individuals/citizens/voters shouldn’t believe what they hear/read/see because the information cannot be taken at face value. Things are not what they might seem from what we’ve “learned.” This is particularly true in election years - when the DC incumbents are running-on/running-from their records.

You see during this past week I learned (or at least became aware) of a number news worthy items which got me thinking and reconciling. This is the forensic accountant part of me. At first blush the news “factoids” – facts in the context of their presentation - appeared to be of a positive nature, but in the wider context of what I already knew about related matters; the opposite was true. Receiving these news items was like receiving a monthly bank statement of a checking account, the “balance” shown was not the real deal – there was reconciling to consider which would greatly alter the picture of reality.

It was heralded from the White House that the “budget deficit” for Uncle $ugar’s fiscal year just ended on September 30th was below $250 BILLION! This was a lot less than was projected/expected. That would seem to be good news, but I knew that the number being presented was a bad way to analyze the Federal Government’s performance for the fiscal year just ended. The budget deficit is a net number - much like the ending balance shown on bank statement before any reconciling items were considered.

A truer benchmark of fiscal responsibility and performance was what had happened to the national debt during the same period. On 09-29-2006 the “debt stood at $ 8.507 TRILLION after beginning the fiscal year at $ 7.933 TRILLION. Now… the increase to the outstanding debt of $ 574 BILLION was a far cry from the $ 248 BILLION budget deficit being hyped. One must realize that the budget deficit is the difference between all monies appropriated (and paid) versus all the monies taken in by Uncle $ugar. Employers and employees had over-paid into the Social Security Trust Fund some $ 180 BILLION, but THAT surplus was tossed into the General Fund “kitty” and spent elsewhere.

The picture actually gets worse than what you just read. Because the total national debt for the fiscal year grew by $ 574 BILLION, the budget deficit was reported at $ 248 BILLION, and there was some $ 179.9 BILLION of Social Security SURPLUS; an additional $146.1 BILLION of surpluses from other designated trust funds were raided/spent on things other than their legally mandated purposes. Because these are designated trust funds and the overpayments into their “accounts” were not spent as required by their enabling legislation – make that as required by law – the funding may be pre-paid, but the future obligations/liabilities are still there. Hence, total debt/obligations grew by the $574 BILLION.

The trade figures for the month of August 2006 also came out last week, but they didn’t get a lot of fanfare. You probably didn’t see (or even hear anything about) them. The August numbers again contained record highs. While our exports of goods and services increased by $2.7 BILLION over July 2006, our imports of goods and services increased by $4.6 BILLION over that prior month. The total exports of $122.4 BILLION and the total imports of $192.3 BILLION were records. Our August deficit with China was $21.96 BILLION, with Japan was $7.47 BILLION, with Mexico was $ 6.22 BILLION, with Canada was $6.08 BILLION, with Germany was $4.19 BILLION, with Venezuela was $3.07 BILLION, with Malaysia was $2.35 BILLION, with Saudi Arabia was $2.34 BILLION, with Nigeria was $2.22 BILLION, and with Ireland was $2.15 BILLION. Not ALL of those were monthly records!

The $69.9 BILLION current deficit WAS a record. This meant that US/us consumed $2.25 BILLION more in foreign goods and services PER DAY than we sold to them during the month of August alone. Those foreign entities “financed” that difference for us. Note well: that this one month’s increase of almost $70 BILLION in our “accounts payable” to them for our August UBER-consumption of their various and sundry “stuff” (a big portion of which was crude oil and petroleum distillates) is NOT reflected in the August 2006 increase to our outstanding national debt of $79 BILLION.

When you have the cavalier “ability” to keep raising the ceiling on the national debt, to keep printing fiat money, to keep “transferring” the designated trust fund surpluses (using them for whatever), and to keep drawing on the largesse of foreign off-the-books (memorandum entry only) financing for your trade deficits; it’s just like: “Hey, I can’t be overdrawn, I’ve got plenty of checks left!” I’m Fred Cederholm and I’ve been thinking. You should be thinking, too.
Copyright Questions, Inc. 2006 all right reserved.

To audit the column and to learn more about the items discussed, please check out:

Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It

Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding (by month)

Status of the Social Security and Medicare Programs (2006 Summary)

The 2006 OASDI Trustees’ Report

US Census Bureau: Monthly trade highlights

Top Ten Countries with which the US has a trade deficit

Daily History of the Debt Search results

Our Violent, Drugged "Society" Part 2 By James Jaeger

I don't know how many times I have posted something like this post over theyears, but here I go again - reminded of the culture of violence we live inthat has produced yet three (3)

MORE killings in our nation's schools injust one (1) week! Abominable!I maintain that the endless violence and dysfunctional situations portrayedin Hollywood-based feature motion pictures since I was a kid - the 1950sand 1960s - to the present has escalated so horrendously that most kidstoday are experiencing an increasingly blurred line between what's moraland what's not. Human life, as portrayed in the movies, is little more tosome of them than protoplasm to be blown away in an action picture.

Hollywood studios, producers and writers have so inundated the culture withviolence and gun play, it's not only adulterating the kids' ethics, butrestimulating the population of the mentally insane/unstable who now wanderthe nation's streets or quietly live next door.

My father used to be a psychiatrist in charge of the violent male buildingat the Norristown State Mental Hospital. In the late 1950's there werethousands of mental cases institutionalized and under his watch. Today, ifyou visit Norristown, and I have, there are only a few hundred under care.Where are all now? Most of them are out on the streets (or living nextdoor) doped up on pharmseuticals such as Fluoxetine, Prozac or Phenobarband watching violent Hollywood movies. If you ask me, this is a recipe fordisaster, an explosive combination -- and it's no wonder we are nowexperiencing what's happening in society.

I would be very interested in seeing a medical report on the past 100school shootings to ascertain what percentage of the killers, whetheradults or children, were on pharmaceuticals when they went on theirrampage. I will bet the percentage is significant. But note the media doesn't come anywhere close to reporting on this aspect of the situation becauseso much of their advertising revenue comes from the multi-billion dollarpharmaceutical companies.

I don't know what the solution is as far as the mentally ill, but the movieindustry isn't helping the situation by endlessly exploiting violence justto make a buck. In my book this is grossly irresponsible and they should beheld accountable for some part of the culture of violence they are helpingcreate.

At this point, after some 100 school shootings and over 250 kids ruthlesslymurdered, I have to seriously question whether a parent really loves theirchild if they permit him or her to watch too much TV or movies. I will alsogo so far as to say I seriously wonder how much they love their childrenwhen they are willing to take the risk of sending them to public school, oreven private school when the home schooling alternative is available. Orlook at it this way: home schooling is the ONLY way to go, if one is too"busy" or lazy to continue to do nothing about the movie industry'sirresponsibility or the media's conflict of interest with the drugcompanies and the child-killers that use their products.

James Jaeger

see part 1: Our Violent, Drugged "Society"

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Another clown as head of the United Nations By Joost van Steenis

Dear reader, this is the 78th Letter of an Autonomous Thinker

Ban Ki-moon will replace Kofi Annan.
But the UN will remain as powerless as before.

Real power is only found outside the UN, in the end in mighty persons who belong to the top-elite.

What did the UN do concerning problems like Darfur or the Congo, the invasions in Iraq or Afghanistan, the military dictatorships, the abuse of human rights, etceteras.

Even worse, what did the UN do against hunger, dying children, lack of clean water, secondary place of women, illiteracy, natural disasters that wreck in the first place the life of people in the Third World etceteras.

The United Nations does next to nothing.
The leader of the UN is a man who only utters empty words.

Because there is no power in the UN, leaders are clowns who make people laugh but after the laugh poor people are again confronted with the reality of the ever continuing misery.

Again and again the collaborating news media are telling you that the clowns at the top of the UN are real people who change the world for the better.


But people are still hoping the world will change when there is a government that rules the whole world.


In their own countries the highest power is not the democratic elected government but the powers that be, the elite, the non-elected people who manage huge amounts of capital, who have family-members in mighty positions and who have top-functions in which they can take important decisions.
For my theory about the popwer generated by the three F's, Function, Family and Finance, see my 57 th Letter of an Autonomous Thinker, Who belongs to the elite? ( )

All attention is given to the clowns and people with real power continue to work in silence. Sometimes a member of the elite takes the lead. Bush for example. He has real power in contradiction to clowns like Clinton or Al Gore. The last one is now saying things he could not realise when he was in a so-called position of power (vice-president of the USA). But I hope you already have understood that Al Gore is only creating an illusion of happiness and progress – as all clowns do.

Direct your wrath at people with real power.

That is not the leader of the UN, that is mostly not the president of the USA, but that are the invisible people who pull the strings to let puppets do what puppets have to do. Puppets only have to improve the already privileged situation in the wealthy and safe eliteworld.

The rest of the world population is not important.

Yours, truly
New ways to increase masspower

Interest time bomb By BabylonToday

Hey All,
I fear the last email didn't do so hot so I thought I would try it again.
The numbers for fiscal 2006 are in and the bleak prospects of our
exponentially escalating interest expense bodes particularly ill toward
any hopes of balancing any future budgets. Interest expense on our debt
for fiscal 2006 totaled 405 billion, blowing away the next highest
interest expense total in 1998 of 363 billion. At 405 billion, interest
expense for 2006 composed a whopping 70% of our total on-budget deficit
for the fiscal year.

What will happen to this debt now that higher average interest rates are
required to service our national debt, following 14 consecutive Fed rate
hikes? Average issued debt maturity is just 55 months (and getting time

With total U.S. debt at 8.506 trillion dollars, this resulted in an
on-budget deficit for 2006 of 574 billion, the second largest in our
nation's history, just 22 billion under the all time record deficit set
in 2004. The very next reported day - the first day of the new fiscal
year (October 2, 2006) - U.S. debt increased by over 42 billion
dollars. If this had been added to the reporting day before, the total
deficit for 2006 would have shot up to 616 billion, blowing away the
former all time record deficit of 2004 by 20 billion dollars.

Here is a chart of monthly debt increase.

God bless,

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Vortex Of Debts By SB Kayser

Anyone pondering about the economic trends with an open mind will quickly notice that the term “financial instruments” is a mere definition invented to keep the intelligentsia safe. The more convolute and intricate or even abstract the vocabulary sounds, all the better. So the same intelligensia too came up with definitions like: red hot, stagflation, inflation and deflation, dangers of 'overheating' or needing to 'cool off, minimum wage, purchasing power, liability, economic indicators, surplus and deficit, credit score, rating and history, interest rates, confidence index, cheap money and bad loans; reform, lenders of the last resort, softness, expansion and growth, irrational exuberance, bubble, systemic risk, record-breaking level, volume, hedging, credit-default swaps, transparency, shortage, buy low sell high, to name a few. Interestingly the word “depression” is no longer in use but has been replaced with severe recession or currency crisis.

Far beyond the above, the terrifying truth is that despite the highly praised monetarist lexicon at our disposal today the world is in dire shape. The screw named “credit” is being tightened inexorably and setting in motion the dreadful pattern of a liquidity trap, along with a series of world moral hazards governed by the dollar hegemony.

Should you doubt what is bieng said, please consider this: why are the elite banks building distressed debt teams, or let’s put it differently: readying themselves to reap huge profits from the aftermath of our financial distress? What a nice way to collapse prices by the way! Why is there a crackdown on the “exotic housing loans” when it is too late and which now are endangering 60% of the homeowners who got into the market place since 2001? As if it weren't enough, why is there also a sudden anxiety about the derivatives market, which Warren Buffet branded as “financial weapons of mass destruction - the kiss of death” in 2003. Even a columnist in Le Monde Diplomatique got an ephifany the other day when concluding that our financial reality is now out of control.

Here comes the cherry on the cake: not only are those at the top responsible for the slow but certain demise of the world economy, Joe and Jane Average are as nearly much guilty of committing the sin of lying to live richly, getting loans they did not deserve or cannot repay in other words. Many got caught by the money envy and peer pressure. How couldn’t they see the game of their credit cards firms and/or they real estate brokers? Mainly because they were blinded by the psychological wealth effect. Not living richly in time of booms generally means that you have missed the boat due to a lack of recklessness and worst are a total loser. They refuted the sound advice “one penny saved is a penny earned” and embrace mantra “buy now, pay later”. They believed it as if it were the word from God. What is particularly appalling is that the population in the so-called rich countries have deliberately acted against their own financial interests while in the 3rd world it is imposed upon them coercively.

At the control panel of our Vortex of debts, we find the monetary scientists, who just like middle-age alchemists-wizards believe in the philosophal stone which has in fact the chemical capacity to turn lead into gold. It goes without saying that they tried for centuries - to no avail. To make this fraudulent wish come true, our modern-day alchemists have thus created a system – for profit – they can flush with debt-money, of course under the guise of being charitable.

For profit, there lies the very deep core of issue. The result is that we not only borrow money that doesn’t exist but also bet on its fictive value while distorting the current one gravely. This is called the miracles of flexibility, an elastic system in financial jargon. If this sounds too surreal or do not see anything wrong here, please try to forecast the future while using 1 as 8, 5 as 2 and 7 as 4 … and so on for example. The fudge factory at its finest. What is going to happen do you guess eventually? Even the very conservative Stephen Roach at Morgan& Stanley admits that world central banks have created a monster. Of course those sticking to the monetarist lexicon will seize the occasion to brand him as the worst doomsayer ever, claiming that if the Dow has reached new heights recently it surely is because of the solid world investors's confidence in the USD itself. What is in fact happening in our Vortex Of Debt is that everyboy, world central banks I mean, is buying to avoid the selling. Insanely hilarious, indeed!

This web of deceit is the root cause of the current cannibalistic behaviors and the decay of society. From the bottom to the top, the world economy today is about exchanging and recycling IOUs, we do not know anymore who owes what and to whom. One does not need a PhD in economics to forecast the eventual end of this highly elaborated debt laundering. Just as Michael Rowbotham puts it: If a monetary system is invalid or flawed, then the entire economy is based on the mathematics of error, and must be riddled with the effects. If the financial system upon which our economies are built is defective, and yet monetary considerations dominate our economic decisions, should we be surprised if the results are less than satisfactory?

Time has come to enforce usury free and sound money. This is the only way to have a financial system that serves We The People instead of some at the switch of the printing press machine. This great evil must end.

President Andrew Jackson has been quoted as saying the following to a group of bankers as they approached him in the drawing room of the White House:

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Our Violent, Drugged "Society" by James Jaeger

I don't know how many times I have posted something like this post over the years, but here I go again - reminded of the culture of violence we live in that has produced yet three (3) MORE killings in our nation's schools in just one (1) week! Abominable!

I maintain that the endless violence and dysfunctional situations portrayed in Hollywood-based feature motion pictures since I was a kid – the 1950s and 1960s – to the present has escalated so horrendously that most kids today are experiencing an increasingly blurred line between what’s moral and what’s not. Human life, as portrayed in the movies, is little more to some of them than protoplasm to be blown away in an action picture. Hollywood studios, producers and writers have so inundated the culture with violence and gun play, it’s not only adulterating the kids’ ethics, but restimulating the population of the mentally insane/unstable who now wander the nation’s streets or quietly live next door.

My father used to be a psychiatrist in charge of the violent male building at the Norristown State Mental Hospital. In the late 1950’s there were thousands of mental cases institutionalized and under his watch. Today, if you visit Norristown, and I have, there are only a few hundred under care. Where are all now? Most of them are out on the streets (or living next door) doped up on Fluoxetine, Prozac or Phenobarb and watching violent Hollywood movies. If you ask me, this is a recipe for disaster, an explosive combination -- and it’s no wonder we are now experiencing what’s happening in society.

I would be very interested in seeing a medical report on the past 100 school shootings to ascertain what percentage of the killers, whether adults or children, were on pharmaceuticals when they went on their rampage. I will bet the percentage is significant. But note the media doesn’t come anywhere close to reporting on this aspect of the situation because so much of their advertising revenue comes from the multi-billion pharmaceutical companies.

I don’t know what the solution is as far as the mentally ill, but the movie industry isn’t helping the situation by endlessly exploiting violence just to make a buck. In my book this is grossly irresponsible and they should be held accountable for some part of the culture of violence they are helping create.

At this point, after some 100 school shootings and over 250 kids ruthlessly murdered, I have to seriously question whether a parent really loves their child if they permit him or her to watch too much TV or movies. I will also go so far as to say I seriously wonder how much they love their children when they are willing to take the risk of sending them to public school, or even private school when the home schooling alternative is available. Or look at it this way: home schooling is the ONLY way to go, if one is too “busy” or lazy to continue to do nothing about the movie industry’s irresponsibility or the media’s conflict of interest with the drug companies and the child-killers that use their products.

I’ve been thinking about Fred Cederholm

Column for on/after Oct 1st, 2006 I’ve been thinking about pride. Actually I’ve been thinking about quality and safety, Rochelle Foods, products, BINGO, tours, “sampling,” inflatable’s, and Hormel. Last Saturday Rochelle Foods staged their Quality Appreciation Day 2006 for employees and their families (and invited guests). Over 3,000 tickets to the festivities had been given out to this bi-annual event. It was a beautiful day and a great time was had by all who participated. Almost 740 are currently employed at the Rochelle plant.

You see quality, safety, and pride are not just some hollow buzz words for the Rochelle based subsidiary of Hormel Corporation, they represent key goals and central standards by which they benchmark their performance. For eleven years running (1995- 2005), the Rochelle facility has received Hormel’s Safety Excellence Award. And… receiving the 2006 Award will bring their run to a dozen consecutive years! Just how many food processing facilities have bragging rights to a record like that?

As you enter the corporate office wing from the West, you are greeted by a VERY large display case filled with framed certificates, trophies, and awards won by the plant and its employees. Such kudos and acknowledgements come from hard work and a dedication to providing the highest quality products for its consumers in a safe working environment for its employees. Rochelle Foods is proud of what it does, and it is very good at it. Their employees take a great deal of pride and care in their work.

The Rochelle plant location is known for its hot dogs, ham products, and bacon products (retail and institutional). Since March 6, 2006, it’s been making a name for its vacuum sealed, microwaveable entrees. These require no refrigeration and have a shelf life of about two years. Line One for these meals occupies the completely refurbished (former) slaughtering area that was part of the completed $20 MILLION expansion/renovation at Rochelle.

More than 60,000 units are prepared, processed, and packaged daily at the plant. These are currently the fastest growing products from Hormel. Line Two, part of the CURRENT $20 MILLION expansion/renovation at Rochelle, will commence operations in February 2007 - and will double output of these convenience products. I was totally unaware of them; so I ran down a selection of six different entrées at the local WalMart on Sunday after church. I enjoyed the “Pot Roast, Potatoes and Carrots in Brown Gravy” before I started writing this column. Let me tell you, it was REALLY good and ready in 90 seconds! (I intend to try the “Chicken and Rice” selection Sunday night while I watch “60 Minutes.”)

This was the third time David Roinas had the Creston Booster Club furnish the equipment and “person power” for the three hours of free BINGO for prizes for the attendees. Each time we received a tour of the plant. Production was shut down for the event and there were work team representatives to explain things throughout the tour. In typical Fred fashion, I asked more questions than the Spanish Inquisition. I was completely impressed by the answers, the knowledge, and the pride exhibited by the guides. To say that the plant was spotless was an understatement. The facilities were every bit as immaculate as one would expect from a first class operation which produces/processes America’s food products. Each location explained the intensive quality control process and while we didn’t see the actual on-site lab, some of the displays showed photos of testing in progress. The high tech analytical gizmos looked like something out of the “CSI” TV show laboratories. It was awesome!

When you exited the tour, there were the serving lines for lunch. All were treated to “foot long” Dodger Dogs ™ (from the Farmer John subsidiary in California), Lloyd’s BBQ ™ (from the Lloyd’s subsidiary in Minnesota), build-it-yourself taco bowls, potato salad, baked beans, and beverages. The Dodger Dogs ™ were a special treat as they are available in the West and are featured at Dodger Stadium and select ballparks across the US. I had mine naked - I mean without any condiments added - because I wanted to see if they were as outstanding and flavorful as I had heard - they were!

Between the food tents and the BINGO, there were numerous inflated amusements and pony rides for the kids. Ah… to be that age again, with all that energy and flexibility! The children had a blast and the adults had fun watching the kids scale this, bounce on that, crawl over whatever, and slide down the summits. There was “inflated jousting” and “twister.” There was even a dunk “management” tank.As the attendees left, each employee received a special gift assortment from plant manager Cal Jacobs and his helpers, and all were bid goodbye by “SPAMIE.” (BTW: the “Chicken and Rice” was as good as the “Pot Roast!”) I’m Fred Cederholm and I’ve been thinking. You should be thinking, too.

Copyright Questions, Inc. 2006 all right reserved.